Set Free  Issue No.8        by Martin Tuson

Rusty on Death Row

A young man cowered in the corner of a dirty, roach-infected death row cell in a South Carolina prison. His body curled in a foetal position, he seemed oblivious to the filth and stench around him. His name was Rusty, and he was sentenced to die for murder of a Myrtle Beach woman in a crime spree that left four people dead.

Police arrested twenty-three year old Rusty from Point Pleasant, West Virginia in 1979, following one of the most brutal slayings in South Carolina history. Rusty was tried for murder and received the death penalty for his crime. Bob McAlister, deputy chief of staff to South Carolina's governor, became acquainted with Rusty on Death Row. Bob had become a Christian a year or so earlier, and felt a strong call from God to minister to the state's inmates, especially those spending their last days on Death Row.

Bob's first look at Rusty revealed a pitiful sight. Rusty was lying on the floor when he arrived, a pathetic picture of a man who believed he mattered to no-one. The signs only of life in the cell were the roaches who scurried over everything, including Rusty himself. He made no effort to move or even to brush the insects away. He stared blankly at Bob as he began to talk, but did not respond.

During visit after visit, Bob tried to reach Rusty, telling him of the love Jesus had for him and of his opportunity - even on death row - to start a new life in Christ. He talked and prayed continuously, and finally Rusty began to respond to the stranger who kept invading his cell. Little by little, he opened up, until one day he began to weep as Bob was sharing with him. On that day, Rusty, a pitiful man with murder and darkness behind him and his own death closing in ahead of him, gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Not long before his scheduled execution, his brother and his wife came to visit Rusty. Bob was present when the two men met and tearfully embraced like long-lost brothers finally reunited. Rusty's senseless crime ten years earlier had constructed an enormous barrier between himself and his brother. The love of Christ obliterated that barrier and enabled both men to realise that, because of Him, they truly were Brothers reunited on that day. It was a lesson Bob would not forget. Not only did Rusty teach Bob McAlister how to love and forgive, he also taught him a powerful lesson about how to die. As the appointed day approached, Rusty exhibited a calm and assurance like Bob had never seen. On this final day, with only hours remaining before his 1:00 a.m. execution, Rusty asked Bob to read from the Bible. After an hour or so of listening, Rusty sat up on the side of his bed and said, "You know, the only thing I ever wanted was a home, Pap. Now I'm going to get one." Bob continued his reading, and after a few minutes Rusty grew very still. Thinking he had fallen asleep, Bob placed a blanket over him and closed the Bible. As he turned to leave, he felt a strong compulsion to lean over and kiss Rusty on the forehead. A short time later, Rusty was executed for murder. Rusty's very last words were "what a shame a man's got to wait until his last night alive to be kissed and tucked in"

Testimony - Leo.G. Farland
(Inmate in Massachusetts)

Arrested in July 1974 and sentenced to 2nd degree life for murder and armed robbery was just the beginning of my life. What got me to this point was rebellion and a desire to get everything my own way. Yet, some time before all this happened, the word of God had been planted deep within me. At the age of nine I was placed into an orphanage after spending some time in a juvenile detention centre for being disruptive at home. My parents could not cope with my lying, stealing and fighting. By the age of fourteen I was becoming a secret alcoholic. I was expelled from high school for hitting another student with a baseball bat in a fight.

In 1968 my parents gladly signed for me to enter the U.S. Marines, where I spent the next five and a half years. While in Vietnam I took up the sinful pleasures of drugs and promiscuity and continued to drink. When I returned Stateside I brought these problems with me. In 1971 I was back home in Massachusetts and going back into the marines, until I was given a discharge in 1973 for stealing a motorcycle. I got married in 1972, but we split up in 1974. I did not treat my wife very well. With no food or job in the house, we fought all of the time. I cheated on her and she cheated on me. One night I was going to kill her friend, and I sat with a shotgun and a bottle of alcohol. Killing was on my mind but not in my heart. I passed out in my car, I was homeless and my family had turned me away. In 1974 1 was arrested for robbing a Catholic church and charged with murder and armed robbery. A church sexton was attacked and killed for a few measly dollars. There was never any excuse for what happened that day. It was wrong.

Whilst in prison I found myself deeply involved in the wrong things to try to cope with this prison life. These vices only served to push me to the edge of oblivion. I began to hunger for some sense of structure and peace to quench the fire of loneliness deep within me. I took out the Bible I had found when I first came to prison. Before long the seeds of God's word which had been planted long ago began to grow and take root. I began to sober up and stop taking drugs. I made a decision to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Though it was not an overnight transformation, change did slowly take place. I was finally finding that peace I so desperately wanted and needed.

From 1985 to 1991 I was blessed to be in a minimum prison with no walls or fences. I got married to a wonderful lady with five children and was making good money on the prison farm. But I had left God behind those prison walls, so in 1991 I was sent back to find him. I knew that within the darkness and depth of my spirit and mind, that I could not live without Him. In 1994 I recommitted my life to Jesus and serve him still. If you have never considered Jesus then it is time you did. Believe me, when I say that once you have Jesus in your life you will know true joy, peace and love. Admit that you are a sinner and confess your sins to him, believe he is Lord and receive Him into your life. He will never let you down. With more than 28 years in prison, I can tell you that there are none so bad that God won't love and forgive.

His Pain your Gain
You may be on Death Row, but no-one can rob you of Eternal Life. You may be condemned and sentenced, but no one can deny you your pardon from the Great Judge who has power to pardon every sin you have ever committed. You may be lonely, but no one can deny you the companionship of Jesus Christ. When you make him Saviour and Lord, your cell may be dark but none can prevent Jesus, who is the light of the world, from lighting up every corner of your heart. There may be chaos all around you, regrets, confusion, fear and misery, but no-one can take away His peace and joy from inside you when He dwells within. You may be weak and discouraged but no-one can keep you from being strong. We can do all things through Christ - all of this is promised to you FREE, for Jesus paid the price for you. Let Jesus bear your burdens.
My Desire - by M. Tuson

My love for you is as strong as can be,
Lord let others see this in me.

To shine forth in the dark of the night,
so strong and true in their sight.

In a world that's empty and laden with sin,
for the battle ahead, that souls we might win.

To live for Jesus - that's my desire.
Move in this life Lord, set me on fire.

Find The Answers - Read St. John Chapter 8

1) Who did the scribes and Pharisees bring to Jesus?
2) What was Jesus doing when they came to him?
3) What did Jesus say to the Pharisees and scribes, that made them leave?
4) What did Jesus say that the truth would make you?
5) What four questions did Jesus ask in this passage?
6) Who did Jesus say honoured Him?

Testimony of Francis Ngoma
Zambia Bible Missionary Work

A testimony I have to share with you is the time when I was called a Christian just by name. I was not living to God's will, I used to attend church, but I was not fully committed because I did not know what it meant to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. At this time of my life I had friends and we led a very worldly life, involving ourselves in things not pleasing to God. At this time I want to testify that our Lord has power over our lives. There are times when God finds ways to make us aware of the evil lives we are living. I thank God that he spoke to me personally and through his servants who encouraged me.

Before accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour I found myself experiencing difficult times. I was unexpectedly involved in a case of murder. I was arrested and this became a very big burden in my life. I expected those of my friends to come to my side at this time, but no one came. There was no-one to help. I sat and thought of the situation I was in and lost all hope. I did realise that God was great, and that it was only through Him that I could be helped. This is the time I received Jesus as my Saviour. It was then that I experienced real peace in my heart. Our Lord started to send me His servants who continued to encourage me in many ways. I saw our Lord's hand on my whole case. Through his grace and mercy I was only convicted on a manslaughter charge and given six years, and God saw me through. I thank my Lord for this and what he was doing in my life.

I thank God for all I passed through and the lessons I learned. It is in prison that I learned to love and to share, and I now stand and give our Lord all of the Glory. I trust in him.

Matthew 19:26

"Face of a Thief" - by Dale Sloss, inmate, Texas

Today I visited a prison and looked upon anguish and strife.
The message I learned from a prisoner there, I'll remember the rest of my life.

The prisoner said he was contented in paying society's due
Its easy to render to Caesar, he said, when you've the Master with you.

When life's shattering storms batter a man's soul, loss and misery have taken a toll,

listen to your heart, let it guide you anew, towards Love and peace found only by a few.

Yes, today I went into a prison and saw there, to my disbelief
the image of our Saviour Lord Jesus worn on the face of a thief.

Are you searching for Love?
I know what that's like, I have been there too. - Eileen Reeves

I am not going into personal details to show you how I know what it's like to want to be loved, but suffice to say I do know all too well the pain of rejection from parents, family and potential friends. I was married, but that period of my life did not satisfy the longing for love in my heart, until I met Jesus in July 1982. Then my life changed totally, my search for love had ended and at last I had a love to share with my husband, the best love of all. He was a sick man when I was converted, and so for the next fourteen and a half years I was able to nurse him and care for him in a loving way - a Jesus way. I was widowed in 1996 and then the Lord began to prepare me for the work He had called me to do. "Work" I think is the wrong word to use for a calling that has filled my heart with much love and joy, tears and deep sorrow too, but it all had to be to equip me for his service. For someone who was starved of love, I now had an abundance of love to share with all who came my way. I am a warrior of love for Jesus - he called me to serve him in the prisons.

It began in Norwich in 1997, and now this calling has grown and I have moved away from Norwich, stopping off in Northampton as I felt the call of God to join the Jesus Fellowship, and here the prison Ministry took off big time. A very deeply spiritual man of God told me the very first time I met him, that he could see many jewels in my life, because of the pain and suffering I had endured. He said he could see I was going to become one very rich lady, as God was going to bless me with many sons. I had never heard anything like this before, and wondered what it all meant, but Praise God I know now it is all coming true. I have so many lovely sons in prisons all over the world. I love them so dearly. My heart sings when I hear from them and cries when I don't. I suffer their pain and anguish as they struggle with things I have been through. I have been there too. I can love them through it with the love of Jesus, as He loved me through mine. Sons and a few daughters to love in his name and for his Glory.

In January this year my life took a very unexpected turn. One of my more mature friends that I had been writing to, a very strong Christian who also wrote letters to friends in prison told me he loved me. Wow, a dream came true for me at last in the most unexpected way. I realised that the very close bond we were establishing as we shared the Lord's love and ours together through our letters, had turned into a very special love. When he asked me to marry him I had no hesitation in saying yes. Community living was not what my husband-to-be wanted for himself on release, so I left the Fellowship where I had been happy and blessed for twenty months, knowing God's peace as I realised He was leading me on yet again in His service. I then came to Devon to wait for Bill's .release and to prepare for our life together and our marriage, which we hope will be this Autumn. Devon is full of palm trees, so we decided to call this Ministry Palm Trees Ministry. It is growing rapidly as I receive more and more dear ones to share Jesus' love with, overseas and in the UK .This Ministry has also been extended to writing booklets inspired by the Lord. The first one was about God's love - what else could a warrior of love be asked to write about. It is called "The cross spells I love you". There are many booklets in the pipeline. I have had so many Brothers and Sisters in the Lord to thank Him for, who He has used to help me get his Ministry up and running. All the Glory is his.

You may be wondering what my story has to do with you in prison. Well, I really do not know, but I do know this, that I was never satisfied with my life until I met Jesus and knew His love. I immediately stopped looking for what I thought was love. I was enabled to stay in a marriage that I did not want. It was a lot better after my conversion. I now had a love for my husband that I hadn't had before - Jesus love - the best love of all.

Now through Christ I can love all who come my way. As a Mum, Sister and friend and to be loved back. My heart is thrilled when I receive letters back that begin, "Hi Mum", and signed "your loving son". I pray that these jewels shall shine for him in the dark places they are in. My search for love has ended - it's living within my heart 24/7. It is only Christ's love that can satisfy - He alone can fill our deepest longings. If you want love, turn to Jesus, then you shall live the way you were born to live. You shall know the real meaning of that little word "love". You shall love others in a whole new way, with joy. Jesus first, others second, yourself last. End your search, ask Jesus into your heart.

Eileen Reeves, Palm Trees Ministries, Flat 25, Quinta House, Quinta Close, Torquay,TQ1 3RP

When Was the Last Time?
By Andrew Koroma, inmate in Thailand

When was the last time you gave him thanks, as alive you are, even in shackles? The worst prison is the unseen prison which Jesus set you free from. When was the last time you praised our Lord for your strong body even in the worst prison condition? Have you thought about how many people would like to exchange their hospital bed for your prison bed.

When was the last time you praised God for giving you opportunity to know and worship him, even in your hard prison condition? In many countries today freedom of worship is non-existent. When was the last time you thanked God for being who you are - after all when God created you He looked at you and confirmed that you were good.

When was the last time you thanked God for this great calamity that befell you. Let's be honest - because of this persistent problem a new wisdom you have gained. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus - I Thessalonians 5 v.18

Testimony of Tina Torres, inmate in Florida

I was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida. As a child my dad and uncle mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually abused me. My poor Mum knew nothing of what was going on, because she was always too busy working two and three jobs at a time to pay bills and keep us fed. My dad just would not work. I was so alone, confused and scared, l just did not know what to do or where to go. All I knew was I had to leave.

So at the age of 13, I found myself on the streets and on drugs, not knowing any better, because I never had any guidance. All I ever had was abuse and no one ever told me about God. I never knew there was a God until this time in prison. So from the age of 13 up until last year, I lived my life on the streets and on hard drugs. I knew about satan because people would always tell me I was going straight to hell one day, but no one took the time to tell me about God. I believed them because I knew I was a bad girl. I had to survive and I also had to take care of my drug habit, so I was robbing houses, selling drugs, dancing at topless bars and prostituting myself for my money. I never enjoyed my life and daily routine, but I had no choice. I had to have my drugs. I knew I was going to hell, so I just did not care any more. I had no hopes, dreams, family or friends, I was lost. Satan had me in bondage, I was totally caged and alone.

One day as I was working on the streets a guy stopped and picked me up. He handed me twenty dollars and said all he wanted to do was to talk for a while. He then asked me if I knew God. I said no, does he have any good drugs? The old man told me God could give me a better high than any drug could, so of course I started asking him questions. I was totally amazed when he told me that God sent him to talk to me. To be honest, I was totally terrified because I really did not understand what God was all about. I just knew He was going to find me and send me to hell right away. Anyway I rode around with this old man for a couple of hours, just talking. Then he prayed for me and dropped me off. I went to the closest dope hole and bought my dope and went to sit by the intercostal, to smoke crack. As I sat there alone, I found myself talking to God the best way I could. I remember, begging him to help me. I told him I was a bad girl and I wanted to change. I told God I wanted to be like that nice man who picked me up. I wanted to be at peace and I wanted to be taken somewhere so I could get off the drugs and get closer to him. I told God I wanted to be taken out of my lonely and hateful world. Well my prayers were answered, for soon after I was arrested again and brought back here to prison, and it is here that I finally met my Almighty Father. Praise God, he heard my cries, took me off the streets and saved my life, my soul and my spirit. I am truly blessed to be here in prison because I have God now and a new life. I know I am going to heaven now, praise God. See, I was not the only black sheep of the family - I was a lost little lamb until Jesus left His flock and came all the way back to save me. Sure I am in prison, but I do not feel locked up. I'm totally free on the inside, I'm no longer in bondage of any kind. I am finally a FREE child of God. I will walk with him for the rest of my life.

Ransom - By Clive Mooney, S.F.P.M.
Matthew 20 v 28:
"..... the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many."
Imagine the scene: you are standing in an auctioneer' surrounded by various and numerous artefacts, all numbered and tagged awaiting presentation. One by one each article is displayed to the interested and anticipating audience, some looking for a bargain, some with money to burn and others only there out of curiosity. The bidding begins, fifty pounds, the value increases, the auctioneer's hammer pointing and searching for another bidder.

The excitement of the crowd rises as the bidding goes back and forth - who will capture the prize? The auctioneer goes on, prompting the crowd, looking for that last priceless intervention, until finally the bidding seems to slow down and there are only two genuinely interested participants left. Beads of sweat break on the auctioneer's brow. Going, going ... suddenly, when the struggle seems over, a scarred and nail-imprinted hand once again rises above the crowd, a voice so loving and gentle but yet so strong and crystal clear echoes around the room "The price has already been agreed, I have paid in full, the ransom is met and I have reserved the right - this sinner belongs to me!"

Jesus turns and smiles at me. He could see his name inscribed upon my heart, his stamp of approval assuring my authenticity. As my tears begin to fall, satan turns and flees - imagine trying to purchase me for less than I am worth! The auctioneer nods in my direction, a Christian you know - how frantically he had tried to witness to me. The crowd dispersed before me and I see people in my life, past and present. Some had used me or tried to show me a good time. I looked again, others smiling, embracing, patting each other on the back -- "ah yes" the Christians who had prayed for me. "Thank you Lord", I said. He took my hand, you are priceless", he beamed. Sold to the highest bidder.

Note from the Editor
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or want to know more about our precious Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the answer to our every need. It is through Christ that you will experience real freedom even in prison. As you have just read in this magazine, many lives have been changed and transformed by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless and keep you. If you want to accept Christ into your hearts then this prayer will help you. M. Tuson S.F.P.M.

Dear Lord Jesus, I come before You now, and I ask You to forgive me for the sins I have committed. Come into my heart from this day forth, I believe You died for me and shed Your precious blood for me. I accept You now into my life and from this day forth I am willing to follow You as Lord of my life, Amen.
